Sunday, August 17, 2014

Thieves Storm Ebola Center In Liberia Two Days After It Opens, Steal Blood Stained Sheets

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Yesterday we shared how Ebola is ravaging Liberia, [see photos] and today, a mob descended on an Ebola Isolation Center in a slum in Monrovia, stormed the front gate and stole everything they could!

They stole the few gloves someone had donated after the center ran out, and the chlorine sprayers used to disinfect the bodies of those who die here, all the while hollering that Ebola is a hoax, chanting, “No Ebola in West Point! No Ebola in West Point!” .

They ransacked the protective suits, the goggles, the masks, took mattresses and bedding, utensils and plastic chairs. The police showed up but the crowd intimidated them.

And then mob left with all of the patients, telling them they did not have Ebola but malaria, and that the virus was a hoax. This is just such a nightmare, and will only lead to more infections!